Few years ago, advalUP was mandated by French organism “Institute of Aerospace and Space” (IAS) now Aerospace valley under French Aeronautic and Space Industries Association (GIFAS) to train Japanese Companies in Tokyo. I was responsible to completely create this training support with more 300 slides. The main objective of this training was to prepare Japanese Industries “Prepare yourself to be part of the Aerospace supply chain” and consequently develop their oversea businesses. The duration of this activities was done during three days with ten companies in Tokyo under GIFAS partnership.

1/ Global aeronautic eco-system
- Short introduction and history of aerospace
- Main aeronautic stakeholders
- Main aircraft manufacturer (OEM)
- Main equipment suppliers (Tier 1)
- Largest airlines
- Association & Organisation
- Worldwide market situation (before covid pandemic)
2/ Introduction to the supply chain in aerospace
- Aeronautic value chain (structure and example): Value chain evolution, Key challenges, pyramidal structure (OEM, tier1, tier 2,…)
- Supply chain definition
- Detailed needs of OEM (Airbus, Boeing, …)
- Supply chain
- Supply chain definition
- Supply chain input
- Sourcing description
- Procurement description
- Supply chain output
- Supply chain key roles
- Commodity manager
- Quality manager
- Contract manager
- Program supply manager
- Supplier development
- Multi-functional team presentation (MFT)
- Risk analysis
- New trends in supply chain
- Preferred supplier list
- Dynamic approach need
3/ Minimum requirement from OEM(Part I)
- Why a OEM would like to work with a new company ?
- General requirements
- Ethics & Compliances rules
- Reach as European regulation
- Certification and recommendation
- ISO 9001
- EN 9100
- ISO 14001
- IAQG: Supply Chain Management Handbook (SCMH) as requirement basis
- PRI: NADCAP approval and associated interest for supplier/OEM.
4/ Minimum requirement from OEM (Part II)
- Project architecture
- Governance of the project
- Planning
- Monitoring and control
- Manage of change
- Interface between OEM and sub-tier
- Existing Improvement tools
- Supplier early assessment
- IPCA: Industrial Process Control Assessment
- PMCA: Project Management Capability Assessment
- APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning
- CCP: Capacity Contingency Planning
- Annual Supplier evaluation (when existing contract) driving strategy
The training period was followed by different consulting mission in Nagoya, Japan for reinforcing the industrial maturity on various function as recommended in IAQG system. An example of self assessment done by one of our customer is given hereafter and clearly identify the axes of work.

On the basis of this result, the mission was prepared by proposing all activities and associated tools, processes and recommandation which should be implemented for increasing the maturity level to level 4 as a very good indicator for future oversea customer.
advalup recommandation
This type of activities is proposed by advalup for preparing your company to enter in aerospace market or being more industrial mature and consequently credible in front of your customer during “Early Assessment Review” or any similar rewiew. This proposed industrial evaluation, by working with your team will increase your capabilities to be selected for aerospace business by OEM or Tier 1/2 and improve mutual confidence betwwen your customer and your company.
Following Covid pandemic end, the aerospace ramp-up restarted which is a very good news for everyone, OEM, Tier 1, Tier 2 and travellers. EN9100 certified or not, your company could need some additional support, by preparing quality review, standard aerospace review such as “Early Assessment“, IPCA (Industrial Process Control Assessment), PMCA (Project Management Capability Assessment), CCP (Capacity Contingency Planning). Our team, composed by senior expert, is able to help you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any request, ponctual support or long term mission. You can find all contact information in our website advalup or directly write to info@advalup.com or call to +33 6 21 26 59 67.