On our previous posts, we clearly informed you on some important exchanges between Hibiki Seiki Co. Ltd’ President Mr. Eiji Matsuyama San, AdvalUP President Thierry Gardet and all journalists and media representatives in Shimonoseki hall (Japan), Wednesday 7th, 2022. This press conference had the main objective to announce the start (cela commence!) of international partnership between our both companies.
The Press releases, written in English and also in Japanese, prepared by Mr. Yosuke Akiyama san, Sales Director, and provided to the media representative, are included hereafter for better understanding and knowing the capabilities and industrial maturity of Hibiki Seiki Co Ltd, supported by Advalup for their oversea business development. The different support services of Advalup are also given for information. You will find hereafter important information on Hibiki Seiki Co. Ltd growth with constant industrial tools and machining increase. The strategy of Hibiki Seiki Co Ltd is to work in space, aerospace and semiconductor equipment manufacturer industry (it is why JISQ 9100 certification was obtained two years ago) and in oversea market. Very important capabilities in term of machine number, capacity availability and employees competencies. Hibiki has developed its own internal ERP which makes available all important information on manufacturing schedule (OTD), lot data, traceability, customer evaluation, supplier evaluation, SPC data, quality information (OQD),…
For more information, please visit Hibiki Seiki Co Ltd website English│株式会社ひびき精機 (hibikiseiki.com) and advalup website HOME – AdvalUP and do not hesitate to contact thierry.gardet@advalup.com
Please do not hesitate to write me Thierry Gardet.